Thursday, March 19, 2009

Piwik 统计来源网站

1. 在http://testsite中加入链接 href=""
则testsite会显示在 Referers->WebSites
2. 在http://testsite中加入链接
则 Referers->Campaignes中会显示 testsite

可以用api函数Referers.getCampaigns (idSite, period, date, expanded = '') 访问campaigns的数据 API

3 其他参数
; variable name used to specify a download link
; Example: '/piwik.php?idsite=1&download=' will redirect to ''
download_url_var_name = download

; variable name used to specify a link to an external website
; Example: '/piwik.php?idsite=1&link=' will redirect to ''
outlink_url_var_name = link

; variable that contains the name of the download or the outlink to redirect to
; Example: '/piwik.php?idsite=1&download= last version'
download_outlink_name_var = name

; variable name to track any campaign, for example CPC campaign
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC'
campaign_var_name = piwik_campaign

; variable name to track any campaign keyword
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC&piwik_kwd=My killer keyword' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword'
campaign_keyword_var_name = piwik_kwd

globalconfig.php 文件

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